Sunday 11 January 2009

After the sun has set

posted by Kerry-Anne
Dusk at Clifton 4th BeachWe went down to Clifton 4th Beach this evening with a few friends. I wanted to do something to mark the one-year anniversary of my brother's death, but I wanted it to be happy and special, rather than sad and melancholy. So we took a picnic and spent a couple of hours watching the sky change colour after the sun had set.

The weather was sublime, and I even went for a swim (on my own, since no-one else had brought their costumes) just before it got completely dark. This is an experience I can totally recommend - if you live in Cape Town, you should do this at least once in your life.

It turned out to be a truly beautiful evening, spent with people I love - which is just what I'd wanted.


Anonymous Beverley said...

One year already, seems unbelievable how the time has flown by..beautiful photo and one Kerry-Ann I'm sure he would have so loved..

15 January 2009 8:57 PM  
Blogger Jilly said...

What a truly fabulous shot. Bravo!

01 October 2009 5:48 PM  
Blogger Paul said...

Thanks Jilly. It's nearing that time of the year again so I'm really excited about getting to the beach again!

01 October 2009 8:20 PM  

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