Slightly to the right of the view shown in my previous post is this perspective of the up-market suburb of Camps Bay. The houses (and especially the beach-front ones) are worth several million Rands.
After looking more closely at this photo I discovered a couple of interesting things that I'd like to draw your attention to:
- The streets and homes on the right side of the photo appear to radiate outwards, away from an open field or common. I wonder why that happened.
- Camps Bay High School is almost perfectly located - you'll spot it and it's large green rugby field on the right of the photo. If you click on the photo to zoom in you'll see it's beautiful blue swimming pool.
- Just to the left of Camps Bay beach, a little way off shore, is what appears to be a circular grouping of rocks forming some kind of natural pool out at sea. Has anyone noticed this before? Have you been there?
Table Mountain trip : On the table top (6#10) | Cape Town Daily Photo