Saturday 20 October 2007

PodCamp Cape Town

posted by Paul
We spent the day at PodCamp Cape Town, an unconference for anyone with an interest in podcasting, blogging or any other forms of new media. We learnt plenty about the world of new media, and met some super people, all innovators in their own way. They were very generous in giving us a whole host of excellent photo ideas for this blog, which we'll be going out and shooting over the next few months. Watch this space...


Tuesday 28 August 2007


posted by Paul
Every two months, on the 27th of the month, a whole bunch of marketing people and IT geeks (it's okay, that's what they call THEMSELVES - apparently it's no longer derogatory) get together for dinner, drinks, a few short presentations and a whole lot of chatting.

This was the first time we'd been to a 27dinner, and we found the whole environment pretty energising. There's a buzz growing in Cape Town around IT, new media and creative concepts, and I think we're in for some exciting times. It's the influence of that mountain, I tell you...

(By the way, in case you're wondering where we fit in, I'm one of the marketing people and Paul's one of the geeks. :D)

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