Cape Town Daily Photo

Happy birthday to us…

Happy birthday to us...
Yes indeed - it's been a whole year since we posted our very first photograph on Cape Town Daily Photo. In that time, we've visited new places, seen new sights, and done things we'd never done before, all in the interests of getting a good shot. It's been maddening at times - usually at about 23h54 on a weeknight when we suddenly realise that we haven't done a post yet - but mostly it's been out-and-out fun.

Thanks to:
- Eric, for unknowingly inspiring us to start this blog
- Alice, Jules, Jenty, Joy, Abraham, and ALL the other regular commenters - it's always great hearing from our readers, and it really makes a difference to our levels of enthusiasm :)
- All the other City Daily Photo bloggers, especially those who visited our blog right in the beginning and made us feel that we really were part of a community
- All our friends in Cape Town (and the rest of South Africa!) - it never ceases to delight me when I'm introduced to someone who lives in this city and they say, "Oh, YOU'RE the guys who do Cape Town Daily Photo!" It's fantastic to know that so many of our fellow Capetonians and South Africans read our blog regularly.
- And finally, thank you to you, whoever you may be - even if you've never left a comment and we've never met, the fact that you visit here means the world to us.

We still have plenty (PLENTY) to show you in and around Cape Town, so don't you worry, we'll be back tomorrow. And the next day. And the next. And so on and so on, until you get tired of us.