Cape Town Daily Photo

Cold ‘n wet

Cold 'n wet
It's been cold and wet for days now. I think it's been this way ever since a friend visited from the UK a week or so ago. I should have reminded him to take his weather home with him. ;)

Kerry-Anne had a business meeting this evening, so I dragged my laptop along and grabbed a seat at Arnold's, a popular restaurant in Kloof Street. I watched a movie (on my laptop) and drank Coke and a single whiskey until it was time to fetch my lady.

The waiters at Arnold's were surprisingly friendly and welcoming to someone who was there only to use their facilities and not to have a meal. They even sat me down at a table close to an electricity outlet.

If it's freezing cold outside and you're looking for a relaxed dinner, or conversation over drinks, consider Arnold's - service was quick, the staff were friendly and it was nice and toasty-warm inside.

And, if you need Internet access while visiting Cape Town, Arnold's has reasonably affordable (about R0.80/MB) wifi Internet access through their Skyrove hotspot.

PS. This photo was taken at Yum, not Arnolds... I left my camera at home! :(