Cape Town Daily Photo

Phisantekraal, Perdeberg and GeekDinner

Knowing that Phisantekraal is a farm that produces Sauvignon Blanc grapes would give a clue as to how Phisantekraal is related to the Perdeberg winery. Perdeberg in fact sources its grapes from Phisantekraal. The vineyards are reportedly about 12 years old and what makes them special is the combination of Durbanville's cool morning air (just perfect for harvesting grapes) and soil, rich in oak leaves, that provides excellent drainage.

If you were to google "Perdeberg GeekDinner" you'd discover the relationship between these two words and hence the appreciation that a bunch of geeks (I'd have to count myself as one) have for Phisantekraal and the folks at Perdeberg. It's easy: they sponsor wine for the bimonthly GeekDinner. :)