You might recall us mentioning the Perdeberg Winery in a few of our previous posts. Well, late last year we received a letter asking us to help out in the search for Perdeberg's missing zebra.
Apparently, so the story goes, Merlot the zebra vanished from the winery on 6 December. The next day a ransom note was found, in which the kidnapper demanded one case of wine a week for 12 weeks, or else Merlot stays missing for good.
The kidnapper promised to send through a clue leading to a new drop-off location each week, and apparently he's insisted that the public must get involved in solving these weekly clues. If you solve the week's clue correctly, you'll stand a chance of receiving a free case of Perdeberg wine yourself, plus there are discount vouchers and other promotional items up for grabs too.
So go and read all about Perdeberg's missing zebra, and make sure you get your answer to this week's clue in by 1pm on Friday to be in line to win.
Unfortunately for our international visitors, the competition is only open to South African residents. On another note, can anyone confirm what species of zebra this is? It appears to be a Burchell's zebra, but I'm not too well-versed in zebra identification, so I can't be 100% sure.
Abraham Lincoln
The zebra looks absolutely worn out — exhausted. It is an interesting story.
Stefan Jansson
Anything to sell some wine I guess!
julie scottsdaledailyphoto.com
Great story to go with the photo. I am planning to come to South Africa next December. I look forward to enjoying more of your photos.
Rob Britt
that’s the oddest story I’ve read today. Did they demand merlot for merlot or were they non-specific about the type of wine? Strange where people will go with promotional stuff