Tonight we got to spend some time with a group of people whom, for the most part, we'd never met before. It seems that these days we have several friends who don't know each other, so when birthday parties crop up (like tonight) we often find ourselves meeting new and interesting people - which is awesome!
Scott and Robynn live in what must be one of the best situated apartments in Milnerton's Royal Ascot development - right next to the Gold Circle stables and horse training track. If our plans work out as we hope we'll be joining them for breakfast next week - where, apart from enjoying good company and good food, I'll try snapping a few photos of the horses training in the early morning. Watch this space! :)
That is an amazing view.
To be honest Paul, we usually charge a fee for taking photo’s of our view. (Sunset’s are slightly more expensive and we have a sliding scale according to the spectacularity of each “set”). However, considering that I think you guys are okay and since you bought me a birthday gift AND helped in the kitchen we’ll let you get away with this little bit of cheekyness.
Let Robynn or I know when your coming for breakfast, I need time to workout a price for horse photo’s. ;)
I agree that is one amazing view…mind you I now have my own very close ‘view’ of the mountain from our balcony!
Post authorAh, not to worry Scott – I wouldn’t take advantage of your view like that – the cheque’s already in the mail. ;)
Post authorAh, Beverley, you’re in Cape Town! Welcome!
Robynn Burls
Wow, if you take beautiful photos like that, you’re welcome back any time Paul! We regularly take photos of the sunsets, which I make a point of enjoying every night, but I’ve never been able to capture the moment quite like you have. Thanks.
Post authorThanks Robynn – I guess you’re going to ask for Royal(ties) too? :D
Not quite the J&B Met | Cape Town Daily Photo