Matt is here in Cape Town to film The Human Factor, a Clint Eastwood film about the 1995 Rugby World Cup. And it turns out he's a brave guy - he took part in the race despite having suffered a sprained ankle during a rugby practice session on Thursday. (He'll be playing the role of former Springbok rugby captain Francois Pienaar in the film, by the way.)
In case you missed yesterday's post, you can see more photos of the Cycle Tour in our 2009 Cape Argus Cycle Tour album.
Wow…is it true that´s Matt Damon on the bicycle? Wow…cool shot!
It is wonderful, that they are raising money for charity! PS…. Nice Legs!
GP number plates!? Traitor!!!
Post authorSteffi, it’s definitely him. :)
Mindstorm, I totally agree – that’s a mighty fine set of legs. I mean, um, they look strong. Yes, that’s right… good for cycling, you know? ;-)
Jonathan, Matt’s on the bicycle NEXT to the motorbike (no numberplates on the bicycle, unless I just haven’t zoomed in enough…). :P I have no idea who the guy on the motorbike is.
where? wow…huh?
isn’t that shaun pollock on the right, looks like a ginger, or maybe it’s sias du plessis
Cape Town rocks :-)
Wow, how did you know it was him? I mean, everybody looks the same from the back. Cannot see his face.
Post authorGlen, trust me, I did my research. :) It’s a long, complicated story that involves Twitter, cheering fans, some comments I made to Paul, precise timing and a fair bit of sleuthing. I’ll explain it all over a glass of wine at the next 27Dinner if you like. :P
Who is Matt Damon and why is he so important
I saw a post of the front of him here http://www.shoppingandinfo.com