Cape Town's weather has turned grey, much like this photo. I always struggle to find something to photograph under these conditions... either because it's too flippin' cold to venture outside, or because it's raining outside and I'm reluctant to get rain on my camera - or perhaps that grey weather just drains my inspiration (much like I'm guessing this graffiti artist's inspiration was drained by the dull vibracrete wall and monochrome palette).
Vibracrete walls must be one of the structures I dislike most in our country. These precast concrete walls have permeated the fabric of our suburbs, with almost every property bordered off by a dull grey wall. Every now and again someone gets inspired and paints their walls in a colour to match their homes, or better yet, in an inappropriately bright colour, like apricot or salmon. Because undercoat is seldom used, the wall paint doesn't last very long and starts to peel, leaving patches of grey or previous layers of paint exposed.
If there were actually a chance of being taken seriously, and if the thought weren't so ridiculous, I'd recommend we start a petition to ban the erection of vibracrete walls. :)
Ah well Paul taking photo’s when it grey, cold and wet is something one gets used to here in the UK however I’m really pleased to say that we’re having some wonderful weather at the moment with beautiful blue skies, sunshine and gentle breezes, a time when the UK countryside looks it’s best…
deon rossouw
I really enjoy getting your daily pics! – I left S.A. 5 years ago to settle in the UK and a lot of them keep me “In Touch”
I had to smile at the resilience of the word “Vibracrete” – This to describe ALL manner of pre-cast concrete fencing.
Vibracrete was a trade name – A Company who were the very first to manufacture the pre-cast system pf post and panel fencing in the Mid 1960’s! – There have been many, many companies since their demise to offer and erect these really horrible walls, but to a tee. ALL of them are referred to as “Vibracrete Walls” –
Vibracrete employed the very first Vibrating table system in the manufacturing process for tamping the concrete to release the entrained air which caused “honeycomb” in the concrete – thus the word Vibracrete – Vibrated Concrete.
Much like the word “Hoover” to describe vacuum cleaners!
Great job! – Keep up the great work
Deon Rossouw
Somerset, United Kingdom
Post authorAh, Beverley, I’m now as jealous of the UK as you were of South Africa only a few weeks ago. :) Enjoy! The bright side of the weather we’re having is that our gardens are getting plenty of water to grow and our dams are filling nicely (hell, my swimming pool which was partially emptied is filling nicely).
Deon, thank you for the explanation. I really did wonder where the word Vibracrete came from. What you said about the process of vibrating the bubbles from the concrete is kinda obvious in retrospect. I really should have put two and two together. :) I’m glad that we’re able to bring back these kind of memories for you!
Duncan Drennan
Paul, you’ll be happy to know that CT has a new draft law for boundary walls. I’m not sure what the current status is, but under the draft law vibracrete walls (at least the plain type) will not be permitted for use on the front of properties (they can still be used between houses, etc.)
Cape Town boundary wall policy article
mary taitt
Very moody and triking photo. Love the lines and perspective.
Post authorDuncan, dude – how the hell do you know these things? That’s awesome! Thanks, for that ray of hope. :)
Mary, thank you! The mood of the photo is exactly how I feel on rainy days. :)
Concrete grey might not be the most cheerful background but, if it discourages the graffiti artists from defacing these surfaces, perhaps the grey wall should be encouraged? No matter how meticulously you prepare and prime a wall before painting, graffiti still ruins the final finish.