A couple of months ago I mentioned that I used to have a great view of the R300 fly-overs from my high-school classroom window. Well, here's another rather pretty view from my old school, Stellenberg High.
I can't say that I spent much time on the field in the picture, except for when some sort of non-sporting special event was being held there - I was not particularly strong in the hand-eye co-ordination department, so sport was not my thing. I do remember spending many a spring afternoon playing "social tennis" on the tennis courts from which this photo was taken, though. (I played "social netball" for a while as well, and even "social squash" - basically, that's what they called it when you weren't good enough to be on an actual team.)
To be honest, I think my friends and I got more exercise from laughing at one another's incompetence with the racquet than from actually hitting the ball. Good times. :)
Kathy S
We could see a gasometer, and unfortunately smell it, from my UK, inner city school playground! I wonder if this view seemed normal to you or if you appreciated it at the time. The expance of sky is amazing. I just love the views you post. Thank you.
Steve H.
That’s a great view. In my city more and more of these sorts of fields are being boxed in by developers, or, worse, being filled with portable classroom trailers as a cheap way to expand the school’s enrollment. Fantastic picture.
What a view to have from a school playfield…
When I read your post KathyS, I wondered what a gasometer was… thanks for *cough* educating me. :D I understand what you mean, but I can say that I haven’t grown numb to the views and appreciate them whenever I see them. This kind of view is something that I do miss when in Johannesburg… and there I guess you do have a point – spending time away does make me appreciate the hills and mountains more when I return.
SteveH, it’s really convenient to live where there are plenty of hills and mountains – it’s difficult for developers to obscure them. They do try though… Thanks for the compliment.
Beverley, indeed it is, indeed it is. It makes me think about Camps Bay High School. It’s situated above the beaches of Clifton. Now that’s a school with phenomenal views!
There are a couple of schools in Cape Town and the Boland which are in some of the best spots anywhere. It makes one very envious.
Tennis courts | Cape Town Daily Photo