This little beach just a bit beyond the Sea Point public swimming pool doesn't look like the greatest place to swim (far too many rocks), but I can imagine that it's a great place to catch a quick tan - if you're into that kind of thing. The interesting thing is that it actually has a beach shower, which I imagine means that people do swim here quite a lot.
The wind was absolutely pumping on this day, but despite that, a bridal couple arrived on the beach for a quick photo session (look in the middle, kinda to the back of the photo). Not only was the wind going absolutely crazy, but it was around 1pm, so the African sun was beating down on them with all its vengeance - from behind. So unfortunately I can't imagine that the photos will turn out too spectacular.
So, here's a tip if you're planning on getting married and would like to have great photos taken:
- If there's very little wind the beach is awesome, but a gusting Cape Town breeze is a spoiler - have a backup plan.
- Have your photos taken before 10am or after 5pm - the light is way prettier and less harsh. It would be ideal to start half an hour after sunrise or an hour before sunset, although I guess this isn't always practical.
Ciao from Italy!
I absolutely adore Cape Town. I worked in South Africa (in KwaZulu Natal) for 3 months and ended my sojurn with a glorious drive from there to Cape Town, I stayed in a gorgeous penthouse overlooking Camps Bay. It was 5 years ago and not one day goes by without dreams of returning some day.
I’m so happy to have found this lovely blog! The design and the images are stunning.
Paul I so remember looking over at this beach and watching people swimming and then taking a shower and yes I can confirm the wind and how strong it can be but also how warm it sill be…
Just a week ago we were there, and here I am now, back in cold snowy England with a burst boiler (which means no heating to those people not used to needing radiators)and a lousy cough – I want to be using that shower!
I had my wedding photo’s taken at the beach. Check it out. http://twitpic.com/tl8i4
Post authorEleonora – A penthouse overlooking Camps Bay? No wonder you had an awesome time. Those places are stunning. I hope you do return some day, if only for a quick holiday. Thanks for your message and thanks for the compliment!
Beverley – Cool. I could imagine that using it as an entry point for a SCUBA dive could be good, but swimming there? I’m sure you’ll agree that there are far nicer beaches to swim!
Pamela – I’m sure that we could ship that shower over to you, but alas, the weather is a little more tricky. You’ll simply have to come back – soon. :)
Carl – That’s a great photo! I love the blue/cyan overexposed colours. Awesome stuff. And, congrats on your wedding!