One sees all kinds of strange things at the V&A Waterfront lately. In this case a bloke walking around in a blue mask caught my attention.
Based on the insignia on his shirt and the fact that the mask resembles that of Blue Demon (El Manotas), a famous Mexican wrestler, it would seem as though he's a Mexico supporter. I must say that I was a little surprised that the police and Waterfront security allowed him to walk around with the mask concealing his face. However, I guess that if he stepped out of line it would be easy enough to spot him in a crowd. :D
I know that from this it may seem like I watch wrestling, but allow me to defend myself by reminding you that Google Image Search is your friend. Sometimes. ;)
I saw this guy as well! LOL!
Post authorYay! You should have posted a photo on your Embracing Style blog. ;)
My camera died. Batteries were low.