I considered (in true Robin Hood style of course) pushing her over, filling bags with chocolates and running into the street to distribute them to those who couldn't afford these delectable delights. But, fortunately for the dear old granny, she was far too sweet to justify such an act - no matter how noble it may be. Come to think of it though, perhaps the sweetness was due to the chocolate she'd been eating... in which case...
Anyway, Robin-Hoodism aside, I never expected the shop to be so very red inside - but I guess it adds to the romance often associated with fine chocolate. I picked about 8 chocolates filled with whiskey, cream, amarula liqueur, and the like - and as I said in a comment on my previous post, the chocolates were great, but more because of the fillings and less because of the quality of the chocolate (not that there was anything wrong with the actual chocolate). I'm not a connoisseur, but in terms of chocolate, I'd vote for masses of plain chocolate over filled chocolate capsules any day. :)
How interesting to see inside so big thanks for the photo, we now know what to expect when we do get to stop by there..and of course we’ll look forward to the chocs as well :)
Post authorJust so that you know Bev, I like the whiskey ones and the ones filled with fresh cream. :D
For the life of me I can’t seem to find contact details for this place – can any one provide me with a phone number or website address? Thanks!
Post authorI really wish that I could Candice. I remember scouring the Web on a fruitless search for any details. If you do manage to find the details would you be so kind as to leave a comment with it?
If you’re not from around Cape Town then let me know and next time I’m in the area I’ll stop there and get the number.
what a pity that they dont have their number listed.
Antoinette Schulitschenko
his telephone number is 021 422 9277
Post authorThanks Antoinette!
I have been looking for Torino Chocolatey for more than an hour, i could not find it.. This has been such a terrible experience.. No one in KloofNek seem to know the place..
Paul Gilowey
Post authorJust check the map in my article above Thandi. They’re there, promise. :)
I `ve just been there (Oct 2015), i thnik it may be shut down. If you go to Kloof Nek Rd 43 to search for Torino “The Chocolate House” you propbaly will only see kind of a garage with wooden doors next to a headge. I check the exterior photos i found online and you can see that the 2 lion heads next to the wooden garage door are exaxtly the same as on the exterior photos. So i suppose the adress is actually right. Either the place is shut down or they have very strange opening hours, which are also impossible to look up. (Also the traffic attendent just across the street also had no clue what & where “Torino Chocolate House” is).
If anybody can provide some new Info, please feel free to do so!
I have been here before (Aug, 2009) and found a true gem of Cape Town. Went there (Dec 2015) and found it closed. Went back again the next day thinking I may have misplaced the location, but the second trip confirmed that it is closed. So sad, wish I knew what happened to them.