There was no wind to speak of; the air was cool, but the sun was warm. Bobbing around on a boat just of the beach was an amazing feeling. Even though we weren't on a luxury yacht, I guess that's the best way to describe the feeling. Imagine yourself in this very spot on the deck of a luxury yacht, enjoying the sun, drinking cocktails and snacking on delightful treats. Grand hey?
This was such great fun - and if you're okay with being out on a boat, I'd suggest this to be of the things you have to do when visiting Cape Town. It was simply beautiful.
Remember to take motion sickness tablets before jumping on board. As a particular colleague of mine discovered , feeling ill on the water really does ruin the experience.
12 Apostles, you always leave me in awe; majestically watching over the everlasting beauty of Clifton.4th beach,I miss your sounds and touch. May all who visit you enjoy a sizzling summer!! Thanks for the photo!
Post authorSure thing Anita – I’m glad it brings back so many good memories.