Cape Town Daily Photo

An old hotel patio

An old hotel patio
There's something charming about old hotels in small and remote towns, like Riebeek West. This is the front patio of the Royal Hotel. Unlike modern up-market hotels, this old colonial hotel was built right along the street with no huge bright-green lawn, large water fountains, and no undercover valet parking. :)

When we go away on vacation in South Africa we normally stay in B&Bs. After visiting here I think perhaps for our next local vacation we'll try to find an old colonial hotel like the Royal Hotel - just to get a feel for what it must have been like back in the day's of the Cape Colony.

See the beautiful evening photos on their website. The hotel was quaint and retro-stylish, but not as pretty as their website shows. Although, perhaps that's just because it wasn't lit as brightly since it was only mid-afternoon when we visited!