Cape Town Daily Photo

Moonstruck 2012 at Clifton 4th beach

Moonstruck 2012 at Clifton 4th beach
Each year 567 Cape Talk radio hosts Moonstruck on Clifton 4th beach. A medium-sized stage is erected on the beach and about 7000 people turn up between 5 and 6pm to have fun with friends, picnic under the setting sun, and listen to live music until long after the sun has set.

In case you're wondering, Moonstruck isn't only about the awesomeness of a huge beach party. The event is run to raise money for the National Sea Rescue Institute, better known as the NSRI. I've written about the work that the NSRI do a couple of times - read more about the organisation, and how you can help, here and here.

I'll post a few more photos tomorrow, but right now it feels like my eyelids are flapping around my knees and it's become apparent to me that it's probably time call it a night. 'Night folks! :)